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The war against commercials is no breaking news. It lasts since the beginning of mass media and for many years the fight seemed unfair for the customers. They liked it or not, they were assaulted by marketers wanting to sell their products. And when traditional TV and newspapers started to go down in audience, advertisers moved online. In the Internet era, they are still interrupting videos, placing ads on our social media pages or popping up when we least expect. And for businesses, the method paid off.

According to IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report 2016, from 2015 to 2016, internet advertising revenue grew nearly 22 percent, from almost 60 billion to more than 72 billion. One of the most interesting findings in this report is that mobile advertising now makes up more than half of all internet advertising. In fact, mobile is the fuel behind digital ad growth, as non-mobile growth has been relatively stagnant (only 6 percent compared to mobile’s 87 percent).

Still, from a consumer’s point of view, there’s nothing more annoying than advertising in the wrong place, at a bad time. And the numbers are relevant here also. A 2017 PageFair report, “The State of the Blocked Web”, found global ad blocker usage grew 30% to 615 million devices in 2016. So what’s to be done, since advertising, just like the show, must go on?


The answer is in what ACTV powered by 05Media app has to offer. Using the advantages provided by the OTT technology, the app gives you all the necessary tools to deliver targeted ads in real time. That means instant ad insertion on the channel of your choice, even on live streams, and the possibility to choose when and who to show your ads to.

Also, make sure you don’t lose any potential client because he closes the ad before even knowing what’s in it. Tell the consumer: “Don’t just watch, get something in return!” Benefits in exchange for watching commercials is one of the challenges 05 Media platform is offering. Delivering ads to people seeking rewards can be highly effective from a business standpoint for several reasons: video ads are highly engaging, it increases view counts and shares and, why not, it shows some kind of appreciation for consumer’s time. Microsoft, Chevy, and Purina have already used these types of ads in the last few years.

Last but not least, get real and valuable insights about your audience. Age and genre are no longer enough to reach a client. Know his interests, what content is he watching, how many people are talking about your campaign. Get daily reports and measurements of your performance and adapt your strategy accordingly. Thinking active campaigns, targeted on client’s need, is proved to be much more effective than addressing to a general audience.

The question is, are you ready to make advertising a more valuable experience for both you and your future customer? If the answer is yes, get the ACTV powered by 05Media app!

Get in touch with us for more detailed Advertising Solutions.

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